Wednesday, November 14, 2007

"I Know It When I See It"

Am I the only person confused by the Tom Ford ads that caused the big pornography stir recently? (Click "enter" at the screen that says "Sexually Explicit Images." And don't pretend this is your first time.)

People say that Ford's ads ripped off YSL's M7 ads. My first thought when I saw the YSL ad was, wow, that must be from the European editions.

After watching Ford's photo montage a few too many times, I've decided it needs a marketing blurb to run beneath, because otherwise it makes no sense. In honor of the fact that the original ad is a form of theft, I've ripped off other, more talented copywriters to humbly suggest these one-liners from the past :

Option 1. Tom Ford for Men. Good to the last drop.

Option 2. Tom Ford. It's everywhere you want to be.

Option 3. It takes a tough man to wear a tender fragrance.

Option 4. Does she...or doesn't she? (In reference to my outstanding question: does that woman actually have sexual organs?)

It is interesting - although not really worthy of note - that when the Ford ads came out, some people were very concerned that they were derogatory towards women. But no matter how many scent-mongers Photoshop perfume bottles over naked men, no one will ever ask the same question. Why is that? Do men have rights? Do I care?

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