Thursday, March 15, 2007

Facebook and the female brain

In a recent column, Dan Savage blames Sex and the City for perpetuating the "cruel hoax" that women want to have lots of sex. In fact, he says, "all that yammering about women with voracious sexual appetites during Sex and the City's reign of terror?...a figment of the straight-male imagination, a Big Lie picked up on and promoted by self-serving female sexperts eager to tell straight men what they wanted to hear."

Since when did straight men take their cues about female sexuality from Sex and the City? I have never met a straight man who could stand that show! Also, it's a revelation to Dan that women talk about sex a lot more than they actually do it? In this, I think his ignorance is showing. As a gay men, Dan probably has twice as much sex as even he talks about. But for the straight population, with neither bathhouses nor 80's bars to abet us, well, we tend to run long on talk.

Also, I recently read a poll in Glamour that suggested 49% of women wish they had sex every day! What is this, Dan Savage? Another Big Lie concocted by female sexperts to torture all the poor, unfortunate straight men who read Glamour? Sure sounds like it! Listen women, don't ever talk about sex again, otherwise someone will assume you want to do it right then and really, you'll be obligated.

What a boatload of crap.

Speaking of Sex and the City, remember that one episode when Carrie's boyfriend dumps her via a Post-It he sticks to her computer screen? She wakes up, he's gone, she has just the Post-It to console her? Well I have a story to top it. One girl didn't realize she'd been dumped until she logged onto Facebook and News Feed told her that her boyfriend had reset his relationship status to "single." Yikes. It's like that scene from When Harry Met Sally, when Harry rushes up to Sally and says, "When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life to begin right now." Well, there's a little-known corollary to that statement, and it goes, "When you realize you don't want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you still want the rest of your life to begin right now. In fact, you want it more than you did before."

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