Monday, February 19, 2007

A Night Right

So tonight I went down to the church to photograph a group of folk dancing senior citizens. As gray-haired women twirled by in the arms of various aging Casanovas, I thought: it must be fucking great to grow old. To finally dispense with bullshit because your life really is short!

I mean, you should have seen those people! They were fantastic! I blushed like a seventh grader when one of those old guys asked me to dance. In vain, I hemmed and hawed, pretending I had more photos to take. He would have none of it! To be fair, it was an easy number, a little crossing over and a small kick. I got the hang of it, and I didn't even have to fight some bitch because I stole her man.

On the way back, invigorated by a brisk walk in the cool air, I bought myself a raspberry yogurt at Whole Foods. I'll break the bank, I thought, handing over a $5. I mean, life is short, right?

God, sometimes I really do love journalism.

I also love film. I worked on my first film set this past weekend. What a rush. We were jumping around in a jungle gym while wearing little kids' Halloween costumes and lobbing camera equipment at each other. I can't believe an entire group of NU kids does this every weekend and I really didn't know about it until now.

Here's something else I love: Entourage. Last night at Barleycorn some guy asked me if I wanted to "hug it out." "Sure," I said, "once you take your hand off your dick." Haha, just kidding, of course. But seriously, I did ask him if he watched Entourage. And then he told me he went to Marquette, and I blurted out, "Dwayne Wade went to Marquette!" Man, I was really on fire with this guy. And then we went to the bathroom and lost him. Sigh. Oh beer.

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